The Three-County Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), 2006 to 2020 was developed in response to the growing challenge of housing supply and costs within Dutchess, Orange and Ulster Counties. The RHNA utilizes a base year of 2006, and forecasts housing needs out to 2020. The effort was funded by the Dyson Foundation. Technical assistance for the project was provided by consulting economists, Economic & Policy Resources, Inc. Administrative oversight was provided by Dutchess County Planning and Development. A project steering committee that included representatives from each county, assisted in the study effort with a regional focus provided by the participation of Pattern for Progress.
The RHNA estimates the need for housing to accommodate anticipated growth in the three counties. Estimates are provided at the regional, county, and municipal level. The RHNA also includes an assessment of the need for affordable housing. The affordability needs estimate takes into account the current downturn in the housing market and the overall economy, and its impact on the Three-County region. Considering expected demographic changes, in-migration, energy prices, forecasted income levels and housing prices, among other factors, the RHNA provides the three counties with the necessary data critical for planning for housing needs over the next 11 years. Despite the short term relief for some homeowners in the Three-County region that has come from price declines in the housing market, the need for affordable housing is expected to continue to grow out to 2020, the time horizon of the RHNA.